Hi, my name is Tatyana Deniz. I am an artist and a mum living in Australia.
My goal is to teach you how to draw kawaii better that you thought was possible! That’s why I create clear step-by-step drawing tutorials that are easy to follow, so you can create kawaii drawings of you own. Give them a go, and you will surprise yourself. 🙂
If you ever ask yourself any of these questions, this website is for you.
- I am not sure I have drawing talent… can I still learn to draw?
- How can I draw from imagination instead of copying?
- How do I find my style?
- How do I make money with my art?
Here is the thing. With proper instructions, anyone can learn how to draw. Did you know that if you can write by hand, you already have enough manual skill for drawing? Now you just need to learn how to apply those skills.
I say this because I that’s what happened to me. Read my story below to learn more!
My Story
I could tell you that I’ve been drawing all my life, but that wouldn’t be true.
Like most children, I enjoyed drawing as a kid. But it stopped there. I did not show any “special ability” (is there such a thing?!) so I did not have further drawing lessons.
I lived a “normal” life, I had a successful corporate career… and I was very unhappy.
I wanted to draw!
“Do I really need this ‘talent’ thing to learn how to draw?” Of course not. But I didn’t know it back then.
Eventually, the pain of not drawing became bigger than the fear of failing at it.
At the age of 29, I quit my corporate job and enrolled in art school full-time for 1 year. What did I have to lose?
But what if it worked? What would my life be, if I became good at drawing?!
Of course, it worked. I learned that “talent” is just another word for “hard work”. Everyone can draw. It simply takes practice and good teachers.
After just 1 year of full-time practice I was about to draw realistic objects. Check out some of my drawings from art school.
Now I am a happy artist and a mum of 2 kids. 🙂 Drawing is part of my daily life. And that’s the way I like it!