A kawaii unicorn brings magic to any drawing project, especially if it’s easy to draw. 🙂

I’ve created this step-by-step drawing tutorial for a cute unicorn to break down the drawing steps into manageable chunks, so even a complete beginner can follow them and create a drawing that looks good.

So let’s jump in!

Kawaii Unicorn Step-by-step Drawing Tutorial

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How to draw cute and easy kawaii unicorn step-by-step

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You are free to use this image for personal use, to add to your craft projects, and to enjoy with your kids. But if you share any of my drawings, designs or tutorials, please remember to give me credit (art by Tatyana Deniz) and link back to this page: https://tatyanadeniz.com/kawaii-unicorn

Drawing Tips for This Easy Kawaii Unicorn

  1. Focus on the big shapes first. For example, in step 1 all we are doing is drawing 2 egg-shaped objects. Don’t think of them as “head” or “body”. Just focus on drawing 2 eggs. Trust me, it will work!
  2. Use the guidelines from the tutorial to help you create correct angles in your drawing. For example, the egg shape for the head is tilted at about 45 degrees. You can also imagine a clock in your mind, and note what time the clock handle is showing. So for this example (45 degrees) the clock is showing roughly 1:30 o’clock. Then you can easily remember how to transfer this angle to your drawing.
  3. The drawing might look complicated… but if you take it 1 element at a time, it will come out great!
  4. Don’t be afraid to use the eraser. It’s totally ok to erase and re-do. Get each element you add to look almost-perfect before moving on to the next one. Don’t try to get it perfect, because then you will get stuck. But get it almost perfect, meaning it’s not too big or too small, it’s pointing the right way, and it has the right shape.

Student Gallery

Check out a few gorgeous kawaii unicorns from our amazingly active kawaii community on Facebook.

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I hope to see you in the group, and I am SO EXCITED to see your drawings!

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